Plants at Edible Landscaping
Vegetable - Rhubarb
Victoria Rhubarb - Rheum rhaponticum
Vegetable Victoria Rhubarb Seed grown Victoria has large green stalks, stained red. Extremely heavy producer. Space 2' - 3' circle. It is a perennial large leaved plant, pretty in its season. Good for borders or vegetable garden beds. In our area try cutting seed stalk before it shoots up in early spring. This will give a larger spring harvest. Zones 3-9. 

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Crimson Red Rhubarb - Rheum rhaponticum
Herb Crimson Red Rhubarb Considered a sweet rhubarb variety. Crimsom Red is a cloned variety of rhubarb, not from seed. Grows true to type and ensures the size, flavor and color of Crimson Red - the best of 25 varieties in impartial tests. Most rhubarb varieties show their red coloring only at the bottom of the stalks. With pure-bred plants, the color goes all the way up the stalk like ruby chard, and continues into the stalk. Redness may vary from northern to southern growing conditions. Plants are hardy into Canada (ideal for Zones 4-7) Zones 4-9 Space 2-3' circle 

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