Plants at Edible Landscaping
Nuts - Pines
Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship Pines to CA...
Italian Stone Pine - Pinus pinea
Pine Italian Stone Pine in pot Italian Stone Pine has decorative pine cones and can give an abundant crop of pignolia nuts. The plants are sold as miniature Christmas trees and are ornamental outside. One of the few pines that grow well in alkaline soil. Two trees needed for pollination. Space 20' circle. Zones 7-8. 

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Korean Stone Pine - Pinus korensis
Pine Korean Stone Pine Korean Stone Pine is a five needle ornamental hardy pine with pine nuts similar to the ones found in the grocery stores. Slow growing medium size tree. Extremely hardy and tolerant of clay soils. Resistant to white pine blister rust. Korean Stone Pine is hardier than Italian Stone Pine. The blue pyramidal form of the tree is a show piece for the yard. Cones contain many pine nuts. Zone 4-7 

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