Raspberry Ohio Treasure

Ohio Treasure Black Raspberry

Rubus occidentalis

Ohio Treasure's berries have a pleasant flavor with a good balance of sweetness and freshness. The fruits are considered medium in size and average 2.1 grams per berry and are comparable to Jewell with 2.5 grams per berry. The fruit quality is very good for farms and gardeners.

The plants have high vigor producing two crops per year. In most parts of the US the plants can be mowed to the ground after the foliage naturally falls. The stems regrow in the spring and begin yielding fruits in the middle of August and will continue to produce fruit until the middle of October. If you leave the canes to overwinter, they will produce a late spring crop at the same ripening time as Jewell. Zone 3 - 8.

Plant Characteristics
Pest ResistanceVery Good
Disease ResistanceVery Good
Drought ToleranceFair
Heat ToleranceGood
Humidity ToleranceVery Good
Sun ToleranceExcellent
Shade ToleranceFair
No SprayExcellent
Fresh for KidsExcellent
Deer ResistanceVery Good
Plant TypeShrub
Soil TypeAdaptable
Edible TypeFruit
Self FertileYes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, comments/opinions are always welcome
Click Here for the Ohio Treasure Black Raspberry Careguide

Please Choose a Size
1Quart Pot
$8.00  own roots

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