Grape America

America Grape

Vitus llncecumil x Vitus rupestris

America, a variety with only American grape species in it's parentage, a cross of Vitis llncecumll with V. rupestris. America is actually very hardy, able to survive -30 to -35 degrees and grow well up into Minnesota, but in the cooler summers of such northern areas the fruit is too acid. Except for that it would be as close to a "universal" grape as any, with disease resistance that allows it to grow well into the humid areas of the mid South. The black berries have colored juice and a flavor like black currants with a dash of wintergreen.

I've never noticed America needing a pollinator, but it is reported to have female flowers. Ours is planted next to our Mars Seedless grape which is perfect flowered as is our other varieties in the row. So best to choose another variety and not plant America alone till this is cleared up.

Plant Characteristics
Pest ResistanceVery Good
Disease ResistanceVery Good
Drought ToleranceGood
Heat ToleranceExcellent
Humidity ToleranceExcellent
Sun ToleranceExcellent
Wet Soil ToleranceFair
Shade ToleranceFair
No SprayGood
Salt ToleranceFair
Fresh for KidsVery Good
Deer ResistancePoor
Plant TypeVine
Soil TypeAdaptable
Edible TypeFruit
Self FertileYes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, comments/opinions are always welcome

Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship America Grape to CA...

Click Here for the America Grape Careguide

Please contact our office to see about availability. 434.361.9134

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