Grape Moored

Moored Grape

Vitus lubrusca Linne

The Moored grape was named and released by Virginia Tech. This is the second grape variety resulting from the grape breeding program initiated by Professor Robert C. Moore, more than sixty years ago. It was named Moored in recognition of the many years of service given by Professor Moore to the program in fruit breeding at VT. Excellent for juice and fresh eating. Grapes are sweet with a muscat flavor. Very delicious, earlier than Concord and red. Space 10 - 12' on 6' wire trellis. Zone 5 - 8.

The parents are 'Fredonia' and 'Athens'. The cross was made in 1949. The original vine bore fruit in 1953 and was held for further observation because of lack of infection of the fruit clusters by the black rot fungus in a year of more than average prevalence of this disease. The large, well filled clusters of large red berries were also noted. It was selected for propagation and further testing in 1956. The selection number VT 26 was assigned to it at that time. Prior to his retirement from active service on June 30, 1964, Professor Moore recommended that VT. 26 be considered for eventual naming and introduction.

Plant Characteristics
Disease ResistanceGood
Drought ToleranceGood
Heat ToleranceExcellent
Humidity ToleranceGood
Sun ToleranceExcellent
Wet Soil TolerancePoor
Shade ToleranceFair
No SprayFair
Salt ToleranceFair
Fresh for KidsExcellent
Deer ResistancePoor
Plant TypeVine
Soil TypeAdaptable
Edible TypeFruit
Self FertileYes
This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge, comments/opinions are always welcome

Due to import restrictions we are unable to ship Moored Grape to CA...

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